Refills are provided at follow-up visits. Your provider will send your prescriptions electronically to your pharmacy. If a refill is needed before your appointment, please contact your pharmacy and request them to send an Electronic Refill Request. Refills may take up to 48 hours to complete. We do not refill prescriptions when the office is closed.




All co-pays and balances are due at the time of your office visit.

As a courtesy to our patients we will submit charges to your health insurance companies. However, you as the patient are ultimately responsible for payment on any services provided by our office.



We confirm all scheduled appointments 2 days prior to your office visit using an automated system. New patients - please be sure to bring a photo id, a current insurance card and your copay, otherwise we will not be able to see you.




If you need to cancel an appointment we require at least a 24-hour notice to avoid a potential fee of $80.00. If you need to cancel a prime appointment (7am-9am or 5pm-7pm) we require a 48-hour notice. In order to offer our patients same day sick appointments as well as convenient times for scheduled visits this policy is strictly enforced. Our office prepare for your visit weeks before your appointment. Our goal is to see all of sick or urgent visits the same day and no shows and cancellations make it difficult to accommodate all of our patients’ needs. We appreciate your understanding of this policy.






If you need a form filled out by your provider there will be a fee between $25.00 to $100.00 depending on the complexity of the form. Please be sure to fill out your portion of the form. Forms are usually ready in 2 weeks.




We will treat established patients who have been injured at work. Before we can schedule you an appointment the following information is required: Name, address, phone and fax numbers of Worker’s Compensation Carrier. Contact person’s name, phone number and extension, the claim number and the date of injury. If another provider besides a walk in or emergency room has treated you, you will need to obtain permission from your worker’s compensation carrier before being seen at APCM.




Your test results will be uploaded to the patient portal for your review or you will receive an automated call. You will need to provide your patient pin number to receive the results from the automated call. For any urgent matters our office will contact you by phone at the number you have provided to us.



Please bring all your medication bottles to your office appointments. At the time of your appointment one of our medical assistants will review your medications with you, as well as ask you about which refills you need. Your provider will review this information with you and answer any of your questions. This is the most efficient and the safest way to give medication refills.




If you need a form filled out by your provider there will be a fee between $25.00 and $100.00 depending on the complexity of the form. Please be sure to fill out your portion of the form. Forms are usually ready within 2 weeks.




You may get a phone call or a secure portal message from one of our care team members up to 2 weeks prior to your visit. The purpose of this call/email is to gather any missing information, such as outstanding lab work or tests, prior to your arrival. We may also contact you if there is any problem verifying your health insurance eligibility. For certain types of appointments, we may ask you to visit our website and complete any necessary paperwork before you come in.

A confirmation call from an automated system 48 hours prior to your visit

We ask you to arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled time so the care team can get you ready for the provider


We will verify your demographic and insurance information and take copies of your insurance cards and photo id, and take a photo of you for your electronic medical record.

A Medical Assistant from the care team will review the Intake process with you, go over your medications and take your vital signs. Please let the Medical Assistant know if you have any forms to be filled out.

After you see your provider, our check-out Medical Assistant will schedule your next appointment, book any outside appointments/tests needed, give you any necessary paperwork, including specific patient information, lab orders, etc.
Your prescriptions will electronically be sent to your pharmacy.


Information on office policy regarding depression, anxiety, and substance abuse screening: Click here to download

What to do if you're sick when the office is closed... download details

Here's a handy Home Safety Checklist. Click here to download.

Does your baby or young child have a cold?  Most don't need medicine. Click here for details.